do you need a mental break?

I am Paola B. Sur a mom who writes and believes that by taking care of your mental health you can become the happy woman you want to be, enjoying life and motherhood to the fullest! That is why I created The Pause, the weekly newsletter of things I dig out for you! Trendy information you will love to read to take a pause, breathe, and find inspiration to make your life better, with your mental health and well-being as a priority.

Momxious is a platform for encouragement, motivation, and guidance for moms with anxiety. Inspired by my book The Anxious Mom Manifesto: 18 Lessons to Control Your Anxiety Monster

Things you will find in The Pause

Together we can end the stigma of motherhood and mental health.

The Pause

Information that nurtures, entertains, and creates awareness for you, the mom that needs a break! Get my FREE Morning Journaling Template after you subscribe!

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